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2023 Kentucky State Assessment Results for Breathitt High School

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Middle 18% 8% 20% 8%
High 21% 3% 28% 6%

2023 Kentucky State Assessment Results for Breathitt County Schools

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Elementary 29% 11% 27% 15%
Middle 21% 8% 24% 9%
High 21% 3% 28% 6%

2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Professional Learning

Professional development is a continuous process of individual and collective examination of practice. It should empower individual educators and communities of educators to make complex decisions; identify and solve problems; and connect theory, practice, and student outcomes. Professional development also should enable teachers to offer students the learning opportunities that will prepare them to meet world-class standards in given content areas and to successfully assume adult responsibilities for citizenship and work.


1. Professional development should deepen and broaden knowledge of content.

2. Professional development should provide a strong foundation in the pedagogy of particular disciplines.

3. Professional development should provide knowledge about the teaching and learning processes.

4. Professional development should be rooted in and reflect the best available research.

5. The content of professional development should be aligned with the standards and curriculum that teachers use.

6. Professional development should contribute to measurable improvement in student achievement.

7. Professional development should be intellectually engaging and address the complexity of teaching.

8. Professional development should provide sufficient time, support, and resources to enable teachers to master new content and pedagogy and to integrate this knowledge and skill into their practice.

9. Professional development should be designed by teachers in cooperation with experts in the field.

10. Professional development should take a variety of forms, including some we have not typically considered.

11. Professional development should be job-embedded and site specific.



FERPA Training

Suicide Prevention (PBIS III, staff working with grades 6-12 only)

Emergency Medicine 

Restraint and Seclusion (PBIS I)

Bullying Prevention 

Child Abuse Prevention 


Seizure Training for School Personnel

Digital Promise Microcredentials

NEA Microcredentials

Professional Learning Bulletin Board training session



The Opportunity Myth

Teacher Efficacy: What Is It and Does It Matter?

Professional Learning Standards

Professional Learning Bulletin Board




August 1-2 and 8-9 2022

Additional information (start/end times, room locations, agendas, etc.) for each professional learning day will be shared with staff prior to each event.  

Breathitt County Schools Professional Development Continuous Improvement Process